Vitamin & Minerals
Measure the levels of essential vitamins and minerals to help prevent or manage deficiencies. A vitamin or mineral deficiency can have wide ranging effects including fatigue, low energy and depression.
Results available in 72 hours

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
Transferrin Saturation

Calcium (Adjusted)
Folic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Vitamins and minerals are vital to maintaining a healthy body and are key to supporting almost all core body functions.
A vitamin or mineral deficiency can have varied effects on the body and is linked to low energy levels, weakness, heart palpitations, irritability, depression, mouth ulcers and frequent colds.
If you are concerned about your diet or think you may have a deficiency the CityTest Vitamin and Mineral Panel provides a comprehensive overview of your nutritional health.
Book your appointment online at a time that suits you
Visit CityTest where blood samples will be taken (no clinical or medical discussion provided)
Have your results in 2-3 working days by e-mail
Repeat testing and consultation arranged for 6 months for biomarker tracking
- Please fast for at least 6 hours before appointment
- Appointment will last 30 minutes.
- Do not hesitate to ask our staff questions on the day of the appointment and they will be happy to assist you.
- In each of our lifestyle appointments, body measurements will be taken, a blood draw will be conducted. You will also be asked to remove your shoes as part of the appointment as part of the body composition assessment.
- Please do not consume food or drink for 6 hours prior to appointment. This excludes water, please stay well hydrated. Please do not chew gum.
- Do not smoke for a minimum of 30 minutes before your appointment.
- Please avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours before your appointment.
- Your samples will be sent for analysis and within 2-3 business days you will receive your result with full details through e-mail.
- Yes, if you wish, we will be in touch to book your repeat testing.
- Citytest Testing Centre does not store any of your test results, nor do we share them with any third parties, including medical or healthcare professionals. Your test results are confidential and it's up to you how you wish to use them.