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Reflecting on Health: The Year in Review and Planning Ahead

As the year draws to a close and we prepare to turn the page to a new chapter, it’s a time-honored tradition to reflect on the past twelve months. For many of us, our health journey has had its shares of ups and downs. At CityTest, we believe in taking stock of the past to prepare for a healthier future. Let’s take a moment to review your health milestones this year and set a plan for a vibrant tomorrow

As the year draws to a close and we prepare to turn the page to a new chapter, it’s a time-honored tradition to reflect on the past twelve months. For many of us, our health journey has had its shares of ups and downs. At CityTest, we believe in taking stock of the past to prepare for a healthier future. Let’s take a moment to review your health milestones this year and set a plan for a vibrant tomorrow.


Looking Back to Move Forward


Health isn’t just the absence of disease; it’s a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Reflecting on the year, consider the following:


-What were your health goals at the beginning of the year?

-Did you follow through on the health screenings and checks you promised yourself?

-How did your lifestyle choices affect your overall well-being?

-What have you learned from any health challenges you faced?


Your Health in Numbers


Objective data is invaluable in health management. If you took advantage of our Lifestyle Screen or any other blood tests, compare your results:


-Have your cholesterol levels improved with dietary changes?

-Did your blood counts return to normal after that bout of unexplained fatigue earlier in the year?

-What do the trends in your blood sugar levels tell you about your risk for diabetes?


Remember, each number is a snapshot of your health at a point in time, a story of where you’ve been and a guidepost for where you need to go.


Celebrating Wins


Every positive step you took this year deserves recognition. Whether it was cutting back on processed foods, incorporating regular walks into your routine, or managing stress better – these wins are the building blocks of lifelong health.


Learning from the Lows


Equally important is to learn from the times things didn’t go as planned. Missed health checks, ignoring symptoms, or falling back into unhealthy habits are common. Acknowledge them,  use them as learning experiences to do better.


Setting Intentions for the New Year


Now, let’s look ahead. Setting intentions rather than resolutions can be a more sustainable way to approach health changes. Intentions are about the journey – making conscious decisions to move towards your health goals every day.


Planning Your Health Journey for the New Year


-Book Your Annual Health Screen: Start the year right with a full check-up. CityTest’s comprehensive screens give you peace of mind and a baseline for the year.

-Mindful Eating: Reflect on your diet this past year. Could it use more whole foods and fewer additives? Plan to introduce healthier choices gradually.

-Stay Active: Reflect on your activity levels. How can you move more in the new year? Even small changes can have big impacts.

-Mental Well-being: Mental health is as crucial as physical health. Consider practices like mindfulness or journaling to enhance your mental well-being.


Your health is your most valuable asset, and at CityTest, we’re here to support you every step of the way. As you reflect on the past year and look forward to 2024, consider how regular blood testing can be an integral part of your health management strategy. We offer a wide range of tests that can be benefit to your specific needs, ensuring you have the information you need to make the best decisions for your health.


For more information on our services or to schedule your first appointment of the new year, reach out to us at info@citytest.ie. Let's make the next year the healthiest one yet!


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